gintas k
>live: Festivalis ELEKTRONINĖS GELMĖS Lapkričio 30 d. Marijampolės Petro Kriaučiūno viešoji biblioteka, 2024
>knygos pristatymas / live: Ginto Kraptavičiaus knygos „Žaidimai arba Lietuvos eksperimentinės muzikos fragmentai“ pristatymas dalyvaujant knygos redaktoriui Robertui Kundrotui. Spalio 11d. 17.00 Marijampolės Petro Kriaučiūno viešojoje bibliotekoje
>festival: sound work "Crunchy" on ARS ELECTRONICA Festival 2024 „Sonic Saturday“ | Listening Room | 15:00 – 20:00 Uhr, September 7 @ ABPU Anton Bruckner University, Linz, Austria 2024
>compilation: tracks on compilations "Audio Report A", "Audio Report B" "Audio Report C" by Institute For Alien Research UK
>album: Outsider's DL WHY Record Company, July 12 2024
>Modus koncertas: Malonny uždarymo koncertas, Gedimino g. 30 ir 32, Marijampolė, birželio 28, 2024 video >
>conference-festival: work Crunchy on NEW YORK CITY ELECTROACOUSTIC MUSIC FESTIVAL (NYCEMF 2024), Concert 20, Saturday 6/22 3:00 PM, Frank Shiner Theater, NYC USA 2024
>recenzija: Knyga „Žaidimai, arba Lietuvos eksperimentinės muzikos fragmentai“ negrožinės knygos TOP 30
>pleneras: Vėjo švilpynė „Paparčio žiedas“ Marijampolės meno mokyklos žemės meno skulptūrų plenere „L‘art de la terre“ 2024 06 -12
>album: Electroacoustic Space Drumming cassette, DL Anticipating Nowhere Records, London, UK released May 16, 2024
AUDREY TAVES / GINTAS K, Split cassette, DL by
Tapekiosk, May 23, 2024
>scena: Kūriniai „titled#14“ (Titled#) ir Nice Pomp (Lėti) panaudoti Marijampolės meno mokyklos muzikiniame spektaklyje "Ėžio namas".
Gegužės 15 d. 2024m
Marijampolės Kultūros Centras
>interviu: Gediminas Kajėnas Kultūra / Muzika 2024 05 12
>knygos pristatymas / live: Ginto Kraptavičiaus knygos „Žaidimai arba Lietuvos eksperimentinės muzikos fragmentai“ pristatymas Kauno menininkų namai, V. Putvinskio g. 56-1, Kaunas, Lithuania, 2024 m. balandžio 26 d., penktadienį, 18.00 val.
>interviu: Garso menininkas Gintas K kūrybinį kelią pristatė autobiografinėje knygoje Suvalkietis Kov 30, 2024
>compilation: track Cró_Nusli> on VVAA30+20: 30 artists celebrate 30 years of Neural + 20 of Crónica / Neural magazine 2004
>interviu: Interviu radio laidai Garso Ekspedicija apie knygą „Žaidimai arba Lietuvos eksperimentinės muzikos fragmentai“ 2024.03.21 10:05 LRT Klasika
>live: Susikirtimai XXIX | Petri Kuljuntausta (FI) + Gintas K + Keista Bjauri Žuvis, Kirtimų kultūros centras Dariaus ir Girėno g. 69, LT-02188 Vilnius, Lithuania Kovo 21 d., 20 val.
for fixed
Web Audio
2024 (WAC
>knygos pristatymas: Ginto Kraptavičiaus knygos „Žaidimai arba Lietuvos eksperimentinės muzikos fragmentai“ pristatymas Kompozitorių namuose (A. Mickevičiaus g. 29, Vilnius), 2024 m. kovo 15 d., penktadienį, 18.00 val. > video
>knyga/book: Gintas Kraptavičius Žaidimai arba Lietuvos eksperimentinės muzikos fragmentai 222 psl. ISBN: 9786098286571 Leidykla: Slinktys, 2024
>album: Broken Kontrol DL Released by gk rec.#07 2024
>compilation: track geras tik bugnai pradeda paskui su noiz biski lektro geras on Powdered Hearts 50 PH #50 by Various Artists released January 15, 2024
>mix: pieces on 20 Years × 180 Minutes by Crónica December 31, 2023
>split: Lärmschutz / Gintas K - Speak / Wet C90 cassette Grubenwehr Freiburg / attenuation circuit ° GFAC 1004 ° 2023 2023 12 30
audiovisual work on
Together Apart IV…an evening
of audio wonderments, Friday, November 24, 2023 Time: 8:00 pm MST > by
Boreal Electroacoustic Music Society (BEAMS)
>festival: piece "Sea" on soundpedro - Annual Sound Art Festival Fri, Oct 27 - Sun, Oct 29, USA, 2023
>album: Catacombs & Stalactites CD/DL by Antenna Non Grata ANG CD30/2023 Poland September 8, 2023
>festival: sound work "Doks neblogas istisinis su gr ir bosd zem" on Stream Compilation: Listening Session / Sound Campus / within Ars Electronica Festival 2023 September 8 | 6:00 PM—7:30 PM, University of Arts Linz—Inner Courtyard, Hauptplatz 6, Linz, Austria
>concert: piece Geras Geras on concert of electroacoustic music by Vox Electronica Festival Дім Львівського Радіо, вул. Князя Романа 6 Lviv 2023 -08-04 Ukraine
>event: Susitikimas su elektroninės muzikos kūrėju Gintu Kraptavičiumi > Rugpjūčio 11 dieną, 17 valandą, KKKC Meno kieme (bažnyčių g. 4), Klaipėda
>art residency: August 7-13 at KKKC, Bažnyčių g. 4, Klaipėda
>exhibition-festival: work +all we are on FILE SĂO PAULO 2023 Festival > HYPERSONICA program, July 5th – August 27th, Centro Cultural FIESP, SĂO PAULO, Brasil 2023
>Modus albumas: Modus 1994 -1998 LP: 12'', 180g, 33 RPM, 100 kopijų tiražas, išleido Dangus 2023
>collaboration: Gintas K - Menotact on "Menotact" 2023 by Travis Johnson CD/DL by Poverty Electronics released June 7, 2023
>conference-festival: work Slow Scratch on NEW YORK CITY ELECTROACOUSTIC MUSIC FESTIVAL (NYCEMF 2023), Concert 16, Saturday 6/24 1:00-3:00 PM, USA 2023
>conference: work Magenda on Everyday is Spatial 2023 (EiS 2023) - Spatial Audio Conference, University of Gloucestershire, Park Campus, 13:45 – 14:45, June 16th , UK 2023
>ep: Wren Variations released by Poverty Electronics, US, April 17, 2023
>collaboration: Alexei Borisov & Gintas K - Voices from the past on V/A cutbreak theory released by Institute For Alien Research UK, April 12, 2023
>album: "Sound & Spaces #2" by Love Earth Music USA 2023-04
>collaboration: Gintas K & Kommissar Hjuler Und Frau – Flux Remix on Fluxus +/- Vinyl, LP by Psych.KG Germany 2023-03
Minimal (Gintas K Remix)
Minimal Remixes by
Massimo Magee
DL+CD by Poverty Electronics releases April 7, USA 2023
>album: Towards Calm Ecstasy cassette / DL released by Anticipating Nowhere Records 2.04 February 24, 2023 UK
>album: Resonances cassette by Sloow Tapes CS 44, February 22, 2023 Belgium
>collaboration: AAK & Wolfgang Kindermann / Gintas K & Kommissar Hjuler Und Frau – FLUXUS +/- cassette by Psych.KG 591 2023 Germany
>album: Gintas K & Zan Hoffman - Bunny Tales DL live concert 2022-12-21 at Kirtimų kultūros centras, 2023
>live: Gintas K + Zanstones (est. 1983) USA, Kirtimų kultūros centras Dariaus ir Girėno 69, Vilnius 20:00 2022/12/21
Mountains, runlets, caves & cascades #3 on V/A 8th Annual Report by Unexplained Sounds Group, December 2, 2022
>album: GINTAS K. & MICHELLE O' ROURKE "Sorry Gold" CD + Digital Album by Zoharum, Poland 2022-11-29
>seminaras: „Garso sienos“ Marijampolėje Marijampolės meno mokykla, 2022-11-28 17:30–19:30
>festival: piece "Magenda" on festival "Together Apart III" by Boreal Electro Acoustic Music Society via November 26, 2022 Time: 8:00 pm MST
>live: Ssshhh! : No Fun At The Seated Discotheque r: Arturas Barysas | 1972-1982 | live re-scoring by Gintas K & Réka Adorjáni | 100’ Cinema ARTA 'Str. Universității nr. 3 Cluj-Napoca Romania 25.11.2022 19:00 >live: "Ssshhh! : No Fun At The Seated Discotheque" Presented by IKLECTIK, 'Old Paradise Yard ' 20 Carlisle Ln / Royal Street corner / Archbishop's park, Lambeth, London SE1 7LG, UK Thu 6 Oct, 20:00
>festival: track +all we are on Atemporánea Festival 2022, III Festival Internacional de Música Contemporánea del Conservatorio Superior de Música “Ástor Piazzolla”, Buenos Aires, Argentina 2022-09-19/24
>album: Jingles With Bells Cassette + Digital Album by Birdfriend, Japan September 2, 2022
track retro gerai pianinas retro meliod zem on v/a ŕ l’état brut by Institute For Alien Research, UK, August 30, 2022
>interview: theQ:: is based on the original Questionnaire of Marcel Proust Noco Vision 2022-08-23
>album: Mountains, runlets, caves & cascades DL+CD gk rec.#6 2022-08-13
>exhibition-festival: work Digital Vintage on FILE SĂO PAULO 2022 Electronic Language International Festival > HYPERSONICA program, July 13th – August 28th, Centro Cultural FIESP, SĂO PAULO, Brasil 2022
>conference-festival: work "Hesitation" on International Computer Music Conference 2022 (ICMC 2022 ), Concert 25, University of Limerick in Limerick, Ireland, Friday 8/7/2022
>conference-festival: work Eternal on NEW YORK CITY ELECTROACOUSTIC MUSIC FESTIVAL (NYCEMF 2022), Concert 11, The Loreto Theater, NYC June 23 1:00 PM, USA 2022
>live: Portraitzine issue Gintas K pristatymas ir koncertas su Gintu K, Visvaldu Morkevičium ir Marek Voida nuo 19 val. 2022 M. BIRŽELIO 3 D. SODAS 2123 (Vitebsko g. 21/23, Vilnius)
track "Something from outside" on v/a
BEAMS ▌Sonic Projections by
Boreal Electroacoustic Music Society (BEAMS) May 14,
2022 >soundtracks: for Baras films Geriau uz roju and Anekdotas apie metra LRT Mediateka / Artūras Barysas-Baras 2022 -05
>compilation: Tracks Geriau uz roju and Anekdotas apie metra on v/a „BARAS. Contemporary Lithuanian Composers Scores to Artūras Barysas Short Films 1972–1982“ LP/CD released by „Zona Music“ LT 2022 -04-27
>compilation: track "Empty Land. Tanks. for Ukraine" on v/a MONOLITHIC BLOCKS, released by Camembert Électrique March 30, 2022
>compilation: track "Empty Land. Tanks. for Ukraine" on v/a POLITIC SOCIAL CLUB, released by Camembert Électrique March 20, 2022
>compilation: track Karui Ne! on v/a Стоп! by attenuation circuit 2022-02
>exhibition: track "Empty Land. Tanks. for Ukraine" on exhibition POLITIC SOCIAL CLUB. From MARCH 15 to 20, 2022 @ Ruelle Sur Touvre, France
>event: Recorded Live performance at BEAMS Art’s Birthday 2022 by The Boreal Electroacoustic Music Society, Saturday, January 15th, 2022. 6:00pm ( 2022 M. SAUSIO 16 D., SEKMADIENIS, 03:00 UTC+02 ) Where >
>album: Christmas Till The End DL 2021-12-25
>compilation: Travis Johnson & Gintas K - void2021 on Poverty Electronics Vol. 9 by Poverty Electronics 2021-12 >compilation: track Pastys story on the 7th Annual Report by Unexplained Sounds Group (dl + 100 copies limited edition Cd) 2022-12
>festival: piece "Towards light noise" on festival "Together Apart II…an evening of audio wonderments" by Boreal Electro Acoustic Music Society via 8:00 pm MST 2021-11-27
>album: Nervus Vagus DL+CD gk rec.#5 2021-10-30
>album: jesus safe my soul(2015) DL bandcamp 2021-09
Atemporánea Festival 2021,
II Festival Internacional de Música Contemporánea del Conservatorio
>event: “jesus safe my soul” 37 minutes piece episode on 6-asis Vilniaus galerijų savaitgalis. Rasų Radijas/Raw Folders 2021-09-12 sekmadienis14 val.
>festival: work "Jesus safe my soul", video made by Donatas Juodišius -Juodo, on Edmonton Noisefest 2021, August 28th 5PM, video>
>radio: ‘Raw Folders’ is a radio show by Gintas K where he selected unreleased albums or raw sound material of already released ones. The shows will feature live recordings from the past few years. listen > mixcloud 2021-08-20:00 UTC+03–21:00 UTC+03
School for Girls"
(Live at Noise=Noise, 2014 London) by
Richard Crow & Gintas K, 2021-07
>festival: track one way#1 on NEW YORK CITY ELECTROACOUSTIC MUSIC FESTIVAL (NYCEMF 2021) pdf program June 21 - 29, Concert 21, USA
>live event: Parodos LAIKMENOS uždarymo renginys mixthemixthemix, Nacionalinė dailės galerija, Vilnius 2021-06-11
>event: FEAST 4 (virtual noise gig hosted by Nimbrut) 8pm GMT or 2pm CST over at video 2021 -05- 23
>interviu: Gintas Kraptavičius: „Mano muzikos misija? OMG – aišku pakeisti pasaulį!“ 2021/05/10
>live stream: prerecorded tracks on OscilloScope: Experimental Electronic Music (Live Stream) 2021-04-27, from 20:30 UTC+03 to 23:00 UTC+03 Watch on Facebook at YouTube via
>collaboration: album “Environmental Framework” by Two K (Gintas K & Ian Kruml) by Nova Alternativa / Czechia DL/MC 2021-04
>compilation: Track “trecias toks trumpas labai geras max” on V/A Quarantine Calm by The Boreal Electroacoustic Music Society DL Canada 2021-03
>album: ART BRUT DL by WHY Record Company (WRC) - WHY068. Music Platforms > sp - ap - bandcamp 2021-03
>album: “The Ways” CD/DL by gk.rec.#4 2021-02 >event:
track Fantastik on
Art's Birthday 2021 - Presents - Kunstradio 2021
>event: Recorded Live performance at Art’s Birthday 2021 by The Boreal Electroacoustic Music Society, Saturday, January 16th, 2021. 6:00pm to Midnight. Where >
>compilation: track Anecdote on The PH Winter Comp.03 by Various Artists released by Powdered Hearts, January 1, 2021
>collaboration: Pop Will Generate Itself by Gintas K & Jukka-Pekka Kervinen released by Poverty Electronics 2020-11
>compilation: remix track Shivering Oak on Slow Talker Remixes by datewithdeath 2020-11-13
>festival: work “Digital Vintage” – audio- Gintas K / video- Indra Ktaptaviciute on CREATIVE CODE FESTIVAL Nov. 12th–Nov. 15th Lightbox, 248 W 37th St, New York, NY 10018 USA
>split: Gintas K and KAZUYA ISHIGAMI released by NEUS-318, NEUTAPE-015, split Cassette + Digital Album, Japan 2020-10-28
>album: Sound & Spaces cassette & DL released by Powdered Hearts, PH # 36, USA 2020
>exhibition: audio work “Pointless” on exhibition AUDIOSPHERE: Sound Experimentation 1980-2020 . Curated by Francisco López. > Exhibition catalogue. Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía Sabatini Building, Floor 3, Madrid, Spain. 14 October, 2020 – 11 January, 2021
>interviu: StartFM. 94.2 Vilniuje, laida “LIftas” 2020-09-09 > Klausyti
>exhibition: Gintas Kraptavičius / Indra Kraptavičiūtė: audiovisual VR work “Digital Vintage” at a metaverse for sound art and music EXHIBITION / Acoustic Realities / Kunstuniversität Linz SOUND CAMPUS -> Ars Electronica Festival 2020 9-13 Sept 2020, Austria
>album: Extensions DL released by NEUS-318 NEUDIGI-011 Japan 2020
>exhibition: portraitzine issue #Gintas K at Riga Photography Biennial 2020 / exhibition “Wunderkammer” / Visvaldas Morkevičius project Portraitzine Gintas K / Latvian Museum of Photography, Mārstaļu iela 8 Riga, Latvia 07-24 – 08-07
>album: Amnesia CD/DL by gk.rec.#3 2020
>mix: Guestmix by Gintas K by Toneshift 2020-07-11
> podcast: track Pink G. Floyd on podcast Sound + Solidarity: An Elegy, July 4: Independence from Racism, Podcast by Toneshift 2020-07-04
>festival: track Two on The New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival (NYCEMF2020) online June 14-21, NYC, USA 2020
>collaboration: closer musings – Calineczka ° Gintas K ° Wilfried Hanrath on V/A r I e CD by attenuation circuit 2020, Germany
>portraitzine: portraitzine issue #Gintas K - Case, Magazine, Poster, 7inch vinyl Lithuania 2020
>festival: track "Extended" on contemporary music festival Atemporánea Festival2020, Argentina 2020-06
>compilation: Track daug visko on v/a re-flexions-sound-art-festival-04-07-20 by attenuation circuit 2020.04
>contest: track Polution selected on 3rd international contest art! ⋈ climate held by Centro de Experimentación e Investigación en Artes Electrónicas Argentina 2020 >listen
>album: variations in a-moll for a granular synthesis CD/DL released by by Esc.rec.#65 The Netherlands 2019-12-09
>compilation: track nieko gerai visai is popx on Powdered Hearts Autumn/Winter Sampler (2019-2020) by Powdered Hearts 2019
>festival: track One on Festival Ecos Urbanos 2019 Escuela Superior de Música del CENART, Sala 222, Viernes 13 de Diciembre, 13 horas, Mexico 2019-12-13
>remix: track Story ( Gintas K remix ) on Interstices by Una Lee - Peter Wullen. Kalamine Records 2019
>compilation: track geras visai at V/A latent audio surfaces by Institute For Alien Research 2019-10
>live: live electronic at The International Computer Music Conference (ICMC) and New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival (NYCEMF) Wednesday 6/19/19, 11:00-12:00 PM, Fridman Gallery , New York, USA 2019
>compilation: track In Case on V/A "Akusmata" CD released by Antenna Non Grata Poland 2019-05-17
>concert & lecture: Piece "Looking forward" at USF New-Music Consortium Spring Concert University of South Florida School of Music's Barness Hall, 4202 East Fowler Ave. Tampa, FL. 2019-05-05 19:30. USA.
Lecture to composition seminar on
April 5th at 11:00am @ Composition Department at University of
South Florida’s School of Music. 2019-05-05 USA
>album: M CD digipack+Download released by gk rec.#02 Lithuania 2019-02
>competition: The New-Music Consortium (NMC 2019), has named the winners of the 2019 International Call for Scores. Electronic Winner: Gintas Kraptavičius (Lithuania) composition: looking forward. Work will be performed on the New-Music Consortium’s April 5th concert at the University of South Florida’s School of Music. Tampa, FL (USA) 2019-04-05
live impro at
Anos Lu (Luanos Masienės)
kūrybos vakaras Vidurnaktis Vidurdienį
at Marijampolės Petro Kriaučiūno viešoji biblioteka
>festival: Lietuvos muzikos ir teatro akademija - Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre / Muzikos inovacijų studijų centras - Music Innovation Studies Centre Gedimino pr. 42, LT-01110 Vilnius, Lithuania
>compilation: track Acousma Light episode#1 on "Sound Space - the 4th annual report volume I" by Various Artists. released by Unexplained Sounds Group. 2018-11-30
>event: David Ellis's Pęle-Męle The Horse Hospital Colonnade, Bloomsbury London WC1N 1JD TUE 27TH NOV, 2018 UK
>exhibition: recording Donghwasa temple on sound museum of silence 2018-11-09
>compilation: track Bela Lugo Isis on v/a I See Dead People - A Throne Of Bael Records Halloween Compilation released by Throne of Bael Records 2018-10-31
>live: Sonic Circuits Festival 2018 "Acousma Light": Gintas K+Juodo, 6950 Maple Street, NW Washington DC, DC 20012; Sep 28th 2018, USA
>compilation: track Pointless on v/a Monochrome Visions (For Dmitry Vasilyev) released by Korm Digitaal 2018-9-23
>festival: piece "Message in a bottle " programmed on festival FESTIVAL FUTURA 2018 / Blanche de Futur > Espace Soubeyran, 26400 Crest (Drôme), France, 26 August 2018
>conference: 2018 ICMC The International Computer Music Conference, August 5-10, 2018 Daegu, South Korea
>live: xCoAx 2018 6th Conference on Computation, Communication, Aesthetics & X, Madrid, Spain, 12 July, 2018
>album: Into the Void by Travis Johnson & Gintas K 2018-06-18
>live: Susikirtimai XIII Kirtimų kultūros centras Dariaus ir Girėno g. 69, Vilnius, Lithuania 2018 -06-7 20:00
>interviu: Gintas K: Lietuvoje klasikinės elektroakustinės muzikos pasigendu 2018-04-24
>live: Festival Jauna Muzika. Club Paviljonas, Pylimo g. 21B, Vilnius 2018-04-25 22:00
>live: OLOS: ENTROPIJA, GINTAS K, VJ JUODO, BODYCOCKTAIL, Kauno Menininkų Namai, V. Putvinskio g. 56, Kaunas, 19:00, 2018-04-20
>sound projection:
>live: Gintas K, vj juodo, Simon Whetham, Lietuvos Kompozitorių Sąjunga, A. Mickevičiaus g. 29, Vilnius 2018 -03-27 18:30
>interviu: Palanga Street Radio. 2018-02-28 20"00
>piece: piece "Time is changing and changing" for a dance group. At Exhibition ADVENTUR 2018, JSC Lithuanian Congress and Exhibition Centre LITEXPO, Vilnius 2018-01-26 >video
>jingle: jingle for event "Marijampolė - Lithuanian Culture Capital 2018" 2018-01-20. Šaukinys renginiui „Marijampolė – 2018 m. Lietuvos kultūros sostinė“ >video
>album: Acousma Light CD, DL released by gk rec.01 Lithuania 2018-01
>compilation: track A1geras on Powdered Hearts Winter Sampler (2017-18) by Powdered Hearts Records and Tapes, December 19, 2017
norm 8 on
Ocean of Sound - the 3rd annual report volume I by
Unexplained Sounds Group, December 15, 2017 >live: Šešupė - a set of experimental, electro-acoustic and electronic music performances, live streamed from Degučiai apartment block in Marijampolė, Lithuania.Tune in on the 9th of December 7PM (Vilnius time zone) via 2017
>live: INVERSIJA Garso meno renginių ciklas # 2, Galerija POST, Laisvės al. 51A, Kaunas, Gruodžio 8 d., penktadienis, 19 val. 2017
>festival: track "Message in a bottle" on International Festival of Electroacoustic Music MUSLAB 2017, Avenida Francisco Sosa 383, Coyoacan, Santa Catarina, 04010 Mexico City, CDMX, December 08, 2017
>exhibition: Piece "Message in a bottle" on OUA Electroacoustic Music Festival 2017. 13 Nov - 18 Nov @ Art Information Center Front of AV-Hall -Osaka University Of Arts, Japan
>collaboration: Gintas K & Roomet Jakapi "I Will Loose It / Unutitled" Cassette, DL released by Powdered Hearts Records and Tapes, USA 2017-09-29
>festivalis: Paskaita „Inovacinės technologijos muzikoje“ mokslo festivalyje „Erdvėlaivis Žemė“, Anykščių J. Biliūno gimnazijoje, Liudiškių g. 49, Anykščiai 10:00 2017 09 13
>compilation: track on HNM500 released by HNM Records 2017-09-06
Pieces on
International Theatre Soundscore and Music Composition Exhibit"
installed at World Stage Design 2017, Taipei, Taiwan. 2-8 July 2017 >Diskusija/discussion: diskusijoje "4 mokslo keliai į muziką" festivalyje Sūpynės 2017 07-01 15.00 DISCUSSION PANEL 'SCIENCE'S 4 PATHS TO MUSIC' ('4 MOKSLO KELIAI Į MUZIKĄ') (MODERATED BY GODA RAIBYTĖ) Sūpynės festival 2017 07-01 15.00
>interviu: Interviu: Gintas Kraptavičius
>live: at Centrala Art Gallery, 5th May, 8pm Unit 4 Minerva Works, 158 Fazeley Street, B5 5RT Birmingham UK
>live: at festival The Noisefloor festival 4th May, 7pm, Staffordshire University, Stoke-on-Trent, ST4 2DE UK
>compilation: track n on IFAR Musique Concrčte intonation dysmorphia compilation by Various Artists released April 15, 2017
>presentation: presentation of work vintage digital at IRCAM Forum Workshops 2017 March 15 - 18 IRCAM & Centre Pompidou, Paris, France 2017
>album: Under my skin DL, cassette released by Crónica 124 2017-02-07
>event: sound work in a project THE KING AND I organised by Alan Dunn at &model, 19 East Parade, Leeds, LS1 2BH, until 19 February 2017 UK
CONCERT: Gintas K- Paulauskis- Jakapi- Kallastu MoKS Residency November 12th at 5pm 2016 Estonia > video
at MoKS Residency November 05th 2016 Estonia > video
>art residency / menininkų residencija: November 1-13th. in MoKS, Estonia. Lapkričio 1-13d. tarptautinėje menininkų rezidencijoje MoKS, Estija 2016
>festival and conference: "Message in a Bottle" i will perform at concert in festival and conference ISSTA2016 (Irish, Sound, Science and Technology Association) in Ulster University. 2016-09-07 8PM DERRY/LONDONDERRY, NORTHERN IRELAND
>album: Dimensions CD released by Frozen Light label FZL 042 Russia 2016-09-02
>album: Low CD released by Opa Loka Records OL16008 Germany 2016-07-22
>ringtones: ringtones/ringtonai August 2, 2016
>album: Lives DL album of live sets recorded at festivals, sound art events 2016-07-06
>interviu: Muzikos virtuozai patirtimi ir kūryba dalijasi Alytuje Radijo stotis FM99
>art residency / menininkų residencija: June 14-29. in DAR (Druskininkai Artists' Residence). Birželio 14-29d. tarptautinėje menininkų rezidencijoje DAR 2016
>collaboration: Travis Johnson & Gintas K “studies” released by Studious Avoidance, London, UK, May 14, 2016
>compilation: track Preachment#4 on 34th CD by mutesound Spain 2016-04
>collaboration: Una Lee and Peter Wullen – ˇnterstˇces Reworks petroglyph438 2016 -o4
>CD presentation: Presentation of CD "Message in a bottle". Live Tautvydas Bajarkevičius & Leon Sinkevich 19:00 Mickevičiaus g. 29, Vilnius. 2015-12-11.
>festival: track "Message in a Bottle" will be presented at festival "NEW MADE WEEK" 2015 organized by Contemporary Music Centre at The Accademia Tadini Art Gallery - Palazzo Tadini, via Tadini 40, 24065 Lovere, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 6 From 15 pm to 22. 2015 Italy
>album: Message in a Bottle retrospective CD released by Lithuanian Music Information and Publishing Centre MICL087 2015-11-02 >bandcamp
>compilation: track on VVAA Loud Listening Murano Crónica 099~2015 DL AIFF MP3 Bandcamp
>interviu: Gintas Kraptavičius: konkurencija – ne muziko kelias 2015 m. rugsėjo 24 d.
>Symposium: ISEA2015: The 21st International Symposium on Electronic Art > schedule > Immersive Sound Room Vancouver, Canada, August 14 -18, 2015
>collaboration: Peter Wullen – Do You Dream About Me HAZE345 11.08.2015
>album: Love Is Love DL bandcamp 2015-06-00
>compilation: track Jesus Safe My Soul on Poverty Electronics Vol. 3 by Poverty Electronics 2015-06
>compilation: Jinx by datewithdeath >track Gintas K's Golf GTI Mix feat. Sagulinas by Poverty Electronics 2015-05-21
>spauda: „Asmenybės. 1990–2015 m. Lietuvos pasiekimai“ 2015 / biografija
>podcast: Cronicaster 116: Gintas K, Download file > 21'00", 50,4MB 2015-05-08 Gintas K live at Culture Cafe, Kaunas, 16 February 2015, performing a reinterpretation of the Lithuanian anthem in Lithuania’s independence day.
>live/gyvai: galerijoje „Saulėratis“ Marijampolė, Vytauto g. 29 20:00 2015-05-15 >video
>festival: new sound work "Message in a bottle" at Jauna Muzika 2015 festival, Vilniaus Mažasis Teatras, Gedimino pr. 22, Vilnius, Lithuania 2015-04-24 19:00
>compilation: track tailpiece on v/a IFAR Musique Concrčte Lost episodes compilation March 20, 2015
>podcast: Gintas K & Gys Crónicaster 114 Download file > 19'14", 46,3MB 2015-03-10
>live: „Garsai ir vaizdai“ POST galerija, Laisvės al. 51a, 4 aukštas, Kaunas, kovo 11, 18:00, LT
>exhibition: used my sound on exhibition Денис Патракеев. День Первый, art gallery Nepokorennie, Saint Petersburg, Russia 2015-02-21
>album: i will tell you 3 things / an easy listening album DL bandcamp 2015-02-17
>live: Vda Parodų Salės Titanikas, vasario 12, 17:00, Vilnius, LT 2015
>live: VASARIO ŠEŠIOLIKTINĖS. Kavinė Kultūra, vasario 16, 18:00, Kaunas, LT 2015
This site was last updated 10/11/24