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 gintas k










Festivalis ELEKTRONINĖS GELMĖS Lapkričio 30 d. Marijampolės Petro Kriaučiūno viešoji biblioteka, 2024


>knygos pristatymas / live:

Ginto Kraptavičiaus knygos „Žaidimai arba Lietuvos eksperimentinės muzikos fragmentai“ pristatymas dalyvaujant knygos redaktoriui Robertui Kundrotui. Spalio 11d. 17.00 Marijampolės Petro Kriaučiūno viešojoje bibliotekoje



sound work "Crunchy" on  ARS ELECTRONICA Festival 2024  „Sonic Saturday“ | Listening Room | 15:00 – 20:00 Uhr, September 7  @ ABPU Anton Bruckner University, Linz, Austria  2024



tracks on  compilations  "Audio Report A", "Audio Report B" "Audio Report C"  by Institute For Alien Research UK



Outsider's  DL  WHY Record Company, July 12  2024


>Modus koncertas:

Malonny uždarymo koncertas, Gedimino g. 30 ir 32, Marijampolė, birželio 28, 2024     video > https://www.youtube.com/@indress



work  Crunchy on NEW YORK CITY ELECTROACOUSTIC MUSIC FESTIVAL (NYCEMF 2024), Concert 20, Saturday 6/22 3:00 PM, Frank Shiner Theater, NYC USA 2024



Knyga „Žaidimai, arba Lietuvos eksperimentinės muzikos fragmentai“  15min.lt  negrožinės knygos TOP 30



Vėjo švilpynė Paparčio žiedas Marijampolės meno mokyklos žemės meno skulptūrų plenere „L‘art de la terre“ 2024 06 -12



Electroacoustic Space Drumming cassette, DL Anticipating Nowhere Records, London, UK  released May 16, 2024



JACOB AUDREY TAVES / GINTAS K, Split cassette, DL by Tapekiosk, May 23, 2024



Kūriniai titled#14“ (Titled#) ir Nice Pomp (Lėti) panaudoti Marijampolės meno mokyklos muzikiniame spektaklyje "Ėžio namas".

Gegužės 15 d. 2024m  Marijampolės Kultūros Centras > video



Garso menininkas Gintas Kraptavičius: „Lietuvos eksperimentinė muzika pasaulyje nėra jokia provincija“

Gediminas Kajėnas  Kultūra / Muzika  2024 05 12 https://www.15min.lt


>knygos pristatymas / live:

Ginto Kraptavičiaus knygos „Žaidimai arba Lietuvos eksperimentinės muzikos fragmentai“ pristatymas Kauno menininkų namai, V. Putvinskio g. 56-1, Kaunas, Lithuania, 2024 m. balandžio 26 d., penktadienį, 18.00 val.



Garso menininkas Gintas K kūrybinį kelią pristatė autobiografinėje knygoje  Suvalkietis Kov 30, 2024



track Cró_Nusli> on VVAA30+20: 30 artists celebrate 30 years of Neural + 20 of Crónica / Neural magazine 2004



Interviu radio laidai Garso Ekspedicija apie knygą „Žaidimai arba Lietuvos eksperimentinės muzikos fragmentai“ 2024.03.21 10:05 LRT Klasika



Susikirtimai XXIX | Petri Kuljuntausta (FI) + Gintas K + Keista Bjauri Žuvis, Kirtimų kultūros centras

Dariaus ir Girėno g. 69, LT-02188 Vilnius, Lithuania Kovo 21 d., 20 val.



track xxx for fixed audiovisual media on Web Audio Conference 2024 (WAC 24) Purdue University, Purdue Airport | Hangar 1 | Monday | March 18, 19:30 2024 USA

>knygos pristatymas:

Ginto Kraptavičiaus knygos „Žaidimai arba Lietuvos eksperimentinės muzikos fragmentai“ pristatymas Kompozitorių namuose (A. Mickevičiaus g. 29, Vilnius), 2024 m. kovo 15 d., penktadienį, 18.00 val. > video



Gintas Kraptavičius  Žaidimai arba Lietuvos eksperimentinės muzikos fragmentai  222 psl. ISBN: 9786098286571 Leidykla: Slinktys, 2024



Broken Kontrol DL Released by gk rec.#07  2024



track geras tik bugnai pradeda paskui su noiz biski lektro geras on Powdered Hearts 50 PH #50 by Various Artists released January 15, 2024



pieces on 20 Years × 180 Minutes by Crónica December 31, 2023



Lärmschutz / Gintas K - Speak / Wet  C90 cassette Grubenwehr Freiburg / attenuation circuit ° GFAC 1004 ° 2023 2023 12 30



audiovisual work on Together Apart IVan evening of audio wonderments, Friday, November 24, 2023 Time: 8:00 pm MST > https://www.twitch.tv/beamsdotca  by Boreal Electroacoustic Music Society (BEAMS)



piece "Sea" on soundpedro - Annual Sound Art Festival Fri, Oct 27 - Sun, Oct 29, USA, 2023



Catacombs & Stalactites CD/DL by Antenna Non Grata ANG CD30/2023 Poland September 8, 2023



sound work "Doks neblogas istisinis su gr ir bosd zem" on Stream Compilation: Listening Session / Sound Campus / within Ars Electronica Festival 2023 September 8 | 6:00 PM7:30 PM, University of Arts Linz—Inner Courtyard, Hauptplatz 6, Linz, Austria



piece Geras Geras on concert of electroacoustic music  by Vox Electronica Festival Дім Львівського Радіо, вул. Князя Романа 6 Lviv 2023 -08-04 Ukraine



Susitikimas su elektroninės muzikos kūrėju Gintu Kraptavičiumi > Rugpjūčio 11 dieną, 17 valandą, KKKC Meno kieme (bažnyčių g. 4), Klaipėda


>art residency:

 August 7-13 at KKKC, Bažnyčių g. 4, Klaipėda



work +all we are on FILE SĂO PAULO 2023 Festival > HYPERSONICA program, July 5th – August 27th, Centro Cultural FIESP, SĂO PAULO, Brasil 2023


>Modus albumas:

Modus 1994 -1998 LP: 12'', 180g, 33 RPM, 100 kopijų tiražas, išleido Dangus 2023



Gintas K - Menotact on "Menotact" 2023 by Travis Johnson CD/DL  by Poverty Electronics released June 7, 2023



work  Slow Scratch on NEW YORK CITY ELECTROACOUSTIC MUSIC FESTIVAL (NYCEMF 2023), Concert 16, Saturday 6/24 1:00-3:00 PM, USA 2023



work Magenda on Everyday is Spatial 2023 (EiS 2023) - Spatial Audio Conference, University of Gloucestershire, Park Campus, 13:45 – 14:45, June 16th , UK 2023



Wren Variations  released by Poverty Electronics, US, April 17, 2023



Alexei Borisov & Gintas K - Voices from the past on V/A  cutbreak theory released by Institute For Alien Research UK,  April 12, 2023



"Sound & Spaces #2"  by Love Earth Music  USA 2023-04



Gintas K & Kommissar Hjuler Und Frau – Flux Remix  on Fluxus +/-   Vinyl, LP by Psych.KG Germany 2023-03



Minimal (Gintas K Remix) on Minimal Remixes by Massimo Magee DL+CD by Poverty Electronics releases April 7, USA 2023



Towards Calm Ecstasy  cassette / DL  released by Anticipating Nowhere Records 2.04  February 24, 2023 UK  



Resonances cassette by Sloow Tapes CS 44,  February 22, 2023  Belgium



AAK & Wolfgang Kindermann / Gintas K & Kommissar Hjuler Und Frau – FLUXUS +/-  cassette by Psych.KG 591 2023 Germany



Gintas K & Zan Hoffman - Bunny Tales  DL  live concert 2022-12-21 at Kirtimų kultūros centras, 2023



HBBH (Gintas K Remix) on  HBBH++  by Poverty Electronics released January 3, 2023



Gintas K + Zanstones (est. 1983) USA, Kirtimų kultūros centras Dariaus ir Girėno 69, Vilnius 20:00 2022/12/21



track Mountains, runlets, caves & cascades #3 on V/A 8th Annual Report by  Unexplained Sounds Group, December 2, 2022



GINTAS K. & MICHELLE O' ROURKE "Sorry Gold"  CD + Digital Album by Zoharum, Poland 2022-11-29



„Garso sienos“ Marijampolėje Marijampolės meno mokykla, 2022-11-28 17:30–19:30



piece "Magenda" on  festival  "Together Apart III"  by Boreal Electro Acoustic Music Society  via https://www.twitch.tv/beamsdotca November 26, 2022 Time: 8:00 pm MST 



Ssshhh! : No Fun At The Seated Discotheque   r: Arturas Barysas | 1972-1982 | live re-scoring by Gintas K & Réka Adorjáni | 100’

 Cinema ARTA  'Str. Universității nr. 3  Cluj-Napoca  Romania  25.11.2022  19:00



"Ssshhh! : No Fun At The Seated Discotheque" Presented by IKLECTIK,  'Old Paradise Yard ' 20 Carlisle Ln / Royal Street corner / Archbishop's park, Lambeth, London SE1 7LG, UK  Thu 6 Oct, 20:00



track +all we are  on  Atemporánea Festival 2022, III Festival Internacional de Música Contemporánea del Conservatorio Superior de Música “Ástor Piazzolla”, Buenos Aires, Argentina 2022-09-19/24



Technologinio meno lauko parodos „Wild Bits“ atidarymas [MAGENTA | MAAJAAM], Raudondvaris Castle LT 2022 M. RUGSĖJO 10 D.




Jingles With Bells Cassette + Digital Album by Birdfriend, Japan September 2, 2022



track retro gerai pianinas retro meliod zem  on v/a  ŕ l’état brut by Institute For Alien Research, UK, August 30, 2022



theQ:: is based on the original Questionnaire of Marcel Proust   Noco Vision 2022-08-23



Mountains, runlets, caves & cascades DL+CD  gk rec.#6   2022-08-13



work Digital Vintage on FILE SĂO PAULO 2022 Electronic Language International Festival > HYPERSONICA program, July 13th – August 28th, Centro Cultural FIESP, SĂO PAULO, Brasil 2022



work "Hesitation" on International Computer Music Conference 2022  (ICMC 2022 ), Concert 25, University of Limerick in Limerick, Ireland, Friday 8/7/2022



work  Eternal  on NEW YORK CITY ELECTROACOUSTIC MUSIC FESTIVAL (NYCEMF 2022), Concert 11, The Loreto Theater, NYC June 23 1:00 PM, USA 2022



Portraitzine issue Gintas K pristatymas ir koncertas su Gintu K, Visvaldu Morkevičium ir Marek Voida nuo 19 val. 2022 M. BIRŽELIO 3 D. SODAS 2123 (Vitebsko g. 21/23, Vilnius)



track "Something from outside" on v/a BEAMS ▌Sonic Projections by Boreal Electroacoustic Music Society (BEAMS)   May 14, 2022 


for Baras films Geriau uz roju and Anekdotas apie metra

LRT Mediateka / Artūras Barysas-Baras  2022 -05



Tracks Geriau uz roju and Anekdotas apie metra  on v/a „BARAS. Contemporary Lithuanian Composers Scores to Artūras Barysas Short Films 1972–1982“ LP/CD released by „Zona Music“ LT 2022 -04-27


album  LĖTI. CD/DL released by Cronica 2022 -05-26



track  "Empty Land. Tanks. for Ukraine" on v/a MONOLITHIC BLOCKS, released by Camembert Électrique March 30, 2022



track  "Empty Land. Tanks. for Ukraine" on v/a POLITIC SOCIAL CLUB, released by Camembert Électrique March 20, 2022



track Karui Ne! on v/a Стоп! by attenuation circuit 2022-02



track  "Empty Land. Tanks. for Ukraine" on exhibition POLITIC SOCIAL CLUB. From MARCH 15 to 20, 2022 @ Ruelle Sur Touvre, France



Recorded Live performance at BEAMS Art’s Birthday 2022  by The Boreal Electroacoustic Music Society, Saturday, January 15th, 2022. 6:00pm ( 2022 M. SAUSIO 16 D., SEKMADIENIS, 03:00 UTC+02 )  Where > https://www.twitch.tv/beamsdotca



Christmas Till The End DL  2021-12-25



Travis Johnson & Gintas K - void2021 on  Poverty Electronics Vol. 9  by Poverty Electronics 2021-12



track Pastys story on the 7th Annual Report by Unexplained Sounds Group (dl + 100 copies limited edition Cd) 2022-12



piece "Towards light noise" on  festival  "Together Apart II…an evening of audio wonderments" by Boreal Electro Acoustic Music Society  via https://www.twitch.tv/beamsdotca 8:00 pm MST  2021-11-27


Work Digital Vintage (video by Indra Kraptavičiūtė) on Audio Rocket Festival 2021 (OUA-ARF2021).
Screened YouTube live 2021-11-20 11:30 am - 12:30 pm  > https://youtu.be/sDvieAgisSA     2021-11-20 Japan



Nervus Vagus  DL+CD  gk rec.#5   2021-10-30



jesus safe my soul(2015) DL   bandcamp  2021-09



track Extended on  Atemporánea Festival 2021, II Festival Internacional de Música Contemporánea del Conservatorio
Superior de Música de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires “Ástor Piazzolla”, Buenos Aires, Argentina 2021-09-15 19:30 - 21:00



“jesus safe my soul” 37 minutes piece episode on 6-asis Vilniaus galerijų savaitgalis Rasų Radijas/Raw Folders 2021-09-12 sekmadienis14 val.



work "Jesus safe my soul", video made by Donatas Juodišius -Juodo, on Edmonton Noisefest 2021, August 28th 5PM, video> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmgbEoD-STs  



Rasų Radijas: Raw Folders

Raw Folders’ is a radio show by Gintas K where he selected unreleased albums or raw sound material of already released ones. The shows will feature live recordings from the past few years. listen > https://rasuradijas.lt  mixcloud 2021-08-20:00 UTC+03–21:00 UTC+03



"Crowborough School for Girls" (Live at Noise=Noise, 2014 London) by Richard Crow & Gintas K, 2021-07



track one way#1  on NEW YORK CITY ELECTROACOUSTIC MUSIC FESTIVAL (NYCEMF 2021) https://nycemf.org  pdf program June 21 - 29, Concert 21, USA


>live event:

Parodos LAIKMENOS uždarymo renginys mixthemixthemix, Nacionalinė dailės galerija, Vilnius 2021-06-11



FEAST 4 (virtual noise gig hosted by Nimbrut) 8pm GMT or 2pm CST over at twitch.tv/nim_brut twitch.tv/trrtrlgbbng video 2021 -05- 23



Gintas Kraptavičius: „Mano muzikos misija? OMG – aišku pakeisti pasaulį!“ https://www.kult.lt/ 2021/05/10


>live stream:

prerecorded tracks on OscilloScope: Experimental Electronic Music (Live Stream) 2021-04-27, from 20:30 UTC+03 to 23:00 UTC+03 Watch on Facebook at YouTube via https://linktr.ee/oscilloscope



album “Environmental Framework” by Two K (Gintas K & Ian Kruml) by Nova Alternativa / Czechia DL/MC 2021-04



Track “trecias toks trumpas labai geras max” on V/A  Quarantine Calm  by The Boreal Electroacoustic Music Society DL Canada 2021-03



ART BRUT DL  by  WHY Record Company (WRC) - WHY068. Music Platforms > spap - bandcamp  2021-03



“The Ways CD/DL by gk.rec.#4 2021-02


track Fantastik on  Art's Birthday 2021 - Presents - Kunstradio 2021



Recorded Live performance at Art’s Birthday 2021 by The Boreal Electroacoustic Music Society, Saturday, January 16th, 2021. 6:00pm to Midnight. Where > https://www.twitch.tv/beamsdotca



track Anecdote on The PH Winter Comp​.​03 by Various Artists released by Powdered Hearts, January 1, 2021



Pop Will Generate Itself  by Gintas K & Jukka-Pekka Kervinen released by Poverty Electronics 2020-11



remix track Shivering Oak on Slow Talker Remixes by datewithdeath 2020-11-13



work “Digital Vintage” – audio- Gintas K / video- Indra Ktaptaviciute on CREATIVE CODE FESTIVAL Nov. 12th–Nov. 15th Lightbox, 248 W 37th St, New York, NY 10018 USA



Gintas K and KAZUYA ISHIGAMI  released by NEUS-318, NEUTAPE-015, split Cassette + Digital Album, Japan  2020-10-28



Sound & Spaces cassette & DL released by Powdered Hearts, PH # 36, USA 2020



audio work “Pointless” on exhibition AUDIOSPHERE: Sound Experimentation 1980-2020 . Curated by Francisco López. > Exhibition catalogue. Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía Sabatini Building, Floor 3, Madrid, Spain. 14 October, 2020 – 11 January, 2021



StartFM. 94.2 Vilniuje, www.startfm.lt laida “LIftas” 2020-09-09 > Klausyti



Gintas Kraptavičius / Indra Kraptavičiūtė: audiovisual VR work “Digital Vintage” at a metaverse for sound art and music EXHIBITION / Acoustic Realities / Kunstuniversität Linz SOUND CAMPUS -> Ars Electronica Festival 2020 9-13 Sept 2020, Austria



Extensions  DL released by NEUS-318 NEUDIGI-011 Japan 2020



portraitzine issue #Gintas K at Riga Photography Biennial 2020 / exhibition “Wunderkammer” / Visvaldas Morkevičius project Portraitzine Gintas K / Latvian Museum of Photography, Mārstaļu iela 8 Riga, Latvia 07-24 – 08-07



Amnesia  CD/DL by gk.rec.#3   2020



Guestmix by Gintas K by Toneshift  2020-07-11


> podcast:

track Pink G. Floyd on podcast Sound + Solidarity: An Elegy, July 4: Independence from Racism, Podcast by Toneshift 2020-07-04



track Two on  The New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival (NYCEMF2020)  online June 14-21, NYC, USA 2020



closer musings – Calineczka ° Gintas K ° Wilfried Hanrath on V/A  r I e CD  by  attenuation circuit 2020, Germany



portraitzine issue #Gintas K - Case, Magazine, Poster, 7inch vinyl  www.visvaldas.com  Lithuania   2020



track "Extended" on contemporary music festival Atemporánea Festival2020, Argentina  2020-06



Track daug visko on  v/a re-flexions-sound-art-festival-04-07-20 by attenuation circuit  2020.04



track Polution selected on 3rd international contest art! ⋈ climate  held by  Centro de Experimentación e Investigación en Artes Electrónicas Argentina 2020 >listen



variations in a-moll for a granular synthesis  CD/DL released by  by Esc.rec.#65 The Netherlands  2019-12-09



track nieko gerai visai is popx on Powdered Hearts Autumn/Winter Sampler (2019-2020) by Powdered Hearts 2019



track One on Festival Ecos Urbanos 2019 Escuela Superior de Música del CENART, Sala 222, Viernes 13 de Diciembre, 13 horas, Mexico 2019-12-13



track Story ( Gintas K remix ) on Interstices by Una Lee - Peter Wullen. Kalamine Records  2019



track geras visai at V/A  latent audio surfaces by Institute For Alien Research 2019-10


POKŠT > gintas k + vj juodo 17:30 Workshop / eksperimentinės muzikos kūrimo metodai 19:00 Sound performance, Aušros g. 11a, Utena, Lithuania 2019-10-12


sound work “Two” on The Engine Room: Finalists Live Performances #1 09 October at IKLECTIK Art Lab, London, UK, 2019


sound for Sorry Gold by Emily Aoibheann at Dublin Fringe Festival 19 – 21 September  2019 Dublin


One Day Journey DL 2019-08-08



live electronic at The International Computer Music Conference (ICMC) and New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival (NYCEMF) Wednesday 6/19/19, 11:00-12:00 PM, Fridman Gallery , New York, USA 2019



track   on V/A "Akusmata" CD released by Antenna Non Grata  Poland 2019-05-17


>concert & lecture:

Piece "Looking forward" at USF New-Music Consortium Spring Concert University of South Florida School of Music's Barness Hall, 4202 East Fowler Ave. Tampa, FL. 2019-05-05 19:30. USA.

Lecture to composition seminar on April 5th at 11:00am @ Composition Department at University of South Florida’s School of Music. 2019-05-05 USA

Coverage – Interview to Radia Študent, Slovenija, by LUKA SELIŠKAR 9. 3. 2019 – 20.00 / DJ GRAFITI https://radiostudent.si/glasba/dj-grafiti/gintas-k Slovenian-English


Gintas Kraptavičius: „Septynios natos neatspindi to, kas vyksta šiuolaikinėje muzikoje“ 2019 m. kovo 1 d. http://www.mic.lt/



M CD digipack+Download released by gk rec.#02  Lithuania 2019-02



The New-Music Consortium (NMC 2019), has named the winners of the 2019 International Call for Scores. Electronic Winner: Gintas Kraptavičius (Lithuania) composition: looking forward. Work will be performed on the New-Music Consortium’s April 5th concert at the University of South Florida’s School of Music. Tampa, FL (USA) 2019-04-05



live impro at Anos Lu (Luanos Masienės) kūrybos vakaras Vidurnaktis Vidurdienį at Marijampolės Petro Kriaučiūno viešoji biblioteka
Vytauto g. 20,  Marijampole, Lithuania 2019 -01-26 12:00 > video


Sferos | Premjeros 2018
gintas k  ACOUSMA  LIGHT  2018-12-04 18 val.
gintas k   BLIND MAN TALES  2018-12-07 18 val. 

Lietuvos muzikos ir teatro akademija - Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre / Muzikos inovacijų studijų centras - Music Innovation Studies Centre Gedimino pr. 42, LT-01110 Vilnius, Lithuania



track Acousma Light episode#1 on  "Sound Space - the 4th annual report volume I"  by Various Artists. released by Unexplained Sounds Group. 2018-11-30  



David Ellis's Pęle-Męle  The Horse Hospital Colonnade, Bloomsbury London WC1N 1JD  TUE 27TH NOV, 2018 UK



recording Donghwasa temple  on sound museum of silence  2018-11-09



track Bela Lugo Isis on v/a I See Dead People - A Throne Of Bael Records Halloween Compilation released by Throne of Bael Records 2018-10-31



Sonic Circuits Festival 2018  "Acousma Light": Gintas K+Juodo, 6950 Maple Street, NW Washington DC, DC 20012; Sep 28th 2018, USA



track Pointless on v/a Monochrome Visions (For Dmitry Vasilyev) released by Korm Digitaal 2018-9-23


"Acousma Light" on 2018 International Electroacustic Music Exhibition MUSLAB September 06 - Mexico City, Mexico 2018



piece "Message in a bottle " programmed on festival FESTIVAL FUTURA 2018 / Blanche de Futur > Espace Soubeyran, 26400 Crest (Drôme), France, 26 August 2018



2018 ICMC The International Computer Music Conference,  August 5-10, 2018 Daegu, South Korea



xCoAx 2018 6th Conference on Computation, Communication, Aesthetics & X, Madrid, Spain, 12 July, 2018



Into the Void by Travis Johnson & Gintas K  2018-06-18



Susikirtimai XIII Kirtimų kultūros centras  Dariaus ir Girėno g. 69, Vilnius, Lithuania 2018 -06-7  20:00



Gintas K: Lietuvoje klasikinės elektroakustinės muzikos pasigendu   http://www.muzikosantena.lt/  2018-04-24



Festival Jauna Muzika. Club Paviljonas, Pylimo g. 21B, Vilnius  2018-04-25 22:00



OLOS: ENTROPIJA, GINTAS K, VJ JUODO, BODYCOCKTAIL, Kauno Menininkų Namai, V. Putvinskio g. 56, Kaunas, 19:00, 2018-04-20


>sound projection:
Time Tunnel MA/68, Liverpool, 10-13 May 2018.

Anotaçőes Sonoras: Espaço, Pausa, Repetiçăo, Faculty of Bela Artes, University of Porto, 2018 04.26-06.30



Gintas K, vj juodo, Simon Whetham, Lietuvos Kompozitorių Sąjunga, A. Mickevičiaus g. 29, Vilnius 2018 -03-27  18:30



Palanga Street Radiohttp://palanga.live  2018-02-28 20"00



piece "Time is changing and changing"  for a dance group. At Exhibition ADVENTUR 2018, JSC Lithuanian Congress and Exhibition Centre LITEXPO, Vilnius 2018-01-26 >video



jingle  for event "Marijampolė - Lithuanian Culture Capital 2018" 2018-01-20. Šaukinys renginiui „Marijampolė – 2018 m. Lietuvos kultūros sostinė“  >video



Acousma Light CD, DL released by gk rec.01  Lithuania 2018-01



track A1geras on Powdered Hearts Winter Sampler (2017-18) by Powdered Hearts Records and Tapes, December 19, 2017



track norm 8 on Ocean of Sound - the 3rd annual report volume I  by Unexplained Sounds Group, December 15, 2017 


Šešupė - a set of experimental, electro-acoustic and electronic music performances, live streamed from Degučiai apartment block in Marijampolė, Lithuania.Tune in on the 9th of December 7PM (Vilnius time zone) via http://palanga.live/ 2017



INVERSIJA  Garso meno renginių ciklas # 2Galerija POST, Laisvės al. 51A, Kaunas, Gruodžio 8 d., penktadienis, 19 val.  2017



track "Message in a bottle" on International Festival of Electroacoustic Music MUSLAB 2017, Avenida Francisco Sosa 383, Coyoacan, Santa Catarina, 04010 Mexico City, CDMX, December 08, 2017



Piece "Message in a bottle" on OUA Electroacoustic Music Festival 2017. 13 Nov - 18 Nov @ Art Information Center Front of AV-Hall -Osaka University Of Arts, Japan



Gintas K & Roomet Jakapi "I Will Loose It / Unutitled" Cassette, DL released by Powdered Hearts Records and Tapes, USA 2017-09-29



Paskaita  „Inovacinės technologijos muzikoje“  mokslo festivalyje „Erdvėlaivis Žemė, Anykščių J. Biliūno gimnazijoje, Liudiškių g. 49, Anykščiai  10:00  2017 09 13



track on HNM500  released by HNM Records 2017-09-06


2014 DL  released by attenuation circuit,
ACP 1101 , Germany, August 8,  2017

Amir Baghiri - remixes  released by attenuation circuit , August 2, 2017

  released by {AN} Eel, August 11, 2017

tracks on v/a Ö - A Collection of experimental Vox. released by {AN} Eel , July 1, 2017


Pieces on "4th International Theatre Soundscore and Music Composition Exhibit" installed at World Stage Design 2017, Taipei, Taiwan. 2-8 July 2017


diskusijoje "4 mokslo keliai į muziką" festivalyje Sūpynės 2017  07-01 15.00




Interviu: Gintas Kraptavičius   http://neomarijampole.lt 



at Centrala Art Gallery, 5th May, 8pm  Unit 4 Minerva Works, 158 Fazeley Street, B5 5RT Birmingham UK



at festival The Noisefloor festival 4th May, 7pm, Staffordshire University, Stoke-on-Trent, ST4 2DE  UK



track n on IFAR Musique Concrčte intonation dysmorphia compilation by Various Artists released April 15, 2017



presentation of work vintage digital at IRCAM Forum Workshops 2017 March 15 - 18 IRCAM & Centre Pompidou, Paris, France 2017



Under my skin DL, cassette  released by Crónica 124  2017-02-07



sound work in a project THE KING AND I organised by Alan Dunn at &model, 19 East Parade, Leeds, LS1 2BH,  until 19 February 2017 UK



CONCERT: Gintas K- Paulauskis- Jakapi- Kallastu  MoKS Residency November 12th at 5pm 2016 Estonia > video



at MoKS Residency November 05th  2016 Estonia > video


>art residency / menininkų residencija:

November 1-13th. in MoKS,  Estonia. Lapkričio 1-13d. tarptautinėje menininkų rezidencijoje  MoKS, Estija 2016


>festival and conference:

"Message in a Bottle" i will perform at concert in festival and conference ISSTA2016 (Irish, Sound, Science and Technology Association) in Ulster University. 2016-09-07 8PM DERRY/LONDONDERRY, NORTHERN IRELAND 



Dimensions CD released by Frozen Light label FZL 042 Russia 2016-09-02



Low CD released by Opa Loka Records ‎ OL16008 Germany 2016-07-22



ringtones/ringtonai  August 2, 2016



Lives DL album of live sets recorded at festivals, sound art events  2016-07-06



Muzikos virtuozai patirtimi ir kūryba dalijasi Alytuje     Radijo stotis FM99


>art residency / menininkų residencija:

June 14-29. in DAR (Druskininkai Artists' Residence). Birželio 14-29d. tarptautinėje menininkų rezidencijoje  DAR 2016



Travis Johnson & Gintas K  “studies”  released by Studious Avoidance, London, UK,  May 14, 2016



track Preachment#4  on 34th CD by  mutesound  Spain 2016-04



 Una Lee and Peter Wullen – ˇnterstˇces Reworks  petroglyph438  2016 -o4


>CD presentation:

Presentation of CD "Message in a bottle".  Live Tautvydas Bajarkevičius & Leon Sinkevich  19:00 Mickevičiaus g. 29, Vilnius. 2015-12-11.



track "Message in a Bottle" will be presented at festival "NEW MADE WEEK" 2015 organized by Contemporary Music Centre at The Accademia Tadini Art Gallery -  Palazzo Tadini, via Tadini 40, 24065 Lovere,  SUNDAY, DECEMBER 6 From 15 pm to 22. 2015 Italy



Message in a Bottle  retrospective CD released by Lithuanian Music Information and Publishing Centre MICL087  2015-11-02 >bandcamp



track on VVAA Loud Listening Murano Crónica 099~2015 DL AIFF  MP3 Bandcamp



Gintas Kraptavičius: konkurencija – ne muziko kelias  2015 m. rugsėjo 24 d.



ISEA2015: The 21st International Symposium on Electronic Art > schedule > Immersive Sound Room Vancouver, Canada, August 14 -18, 2015



Peter Wullen – Do You Dream About Me  HAZE345  11.08.2015



Love Is Love  DL bandcamp 2015-06-00



track on  Poverty Electronics Vol. 3  by Poverty Electronics  2015-06




Cronicaster 116: Gintas K,  Download file > 21'00", 50,4MB  2015-05-08

Gintas K live at Culture Cafe, Kaunas, 16 February 2015, performing a reinterpretation of the Lithuanian anthem in Lithuania’s independence day.



galerijoje „Saulėratis“ Marijampolė, Vytauto g. 29  20:00  2015-05-15  >video



new sound work "Message in a bottle" at Jauna Muzika 2015 festival, , Gedimino pr. 22, Vilnius, Lithuania 2015-04-24 19:00



track tailpiece on v/a IFAR Musique Concrčte Lost episodes compilation March 20, 2015



Gintas K & Gys  Crónicaster 114   Download file > 19'14", 46,3MB 2015-03-10



„Garsai ir vaizdai“ POST galerija, Laisvės al. 51a, 4 aukštas, Kaunas, kovo 11, 18:00, LT



used my sound on exhibition Денис Патракеев. День Первый, art gallery Nepokorennie, Saint Petersburg, Russia 2015-02-21



i will tell you 3 things / an easy listening album DL  bandcamp 2015-02-17



Vda Parodų Salės Titanikas, vasario 12, 17:00, Vilnius, LT 2015



VASARIO ŠEŠIOLIKTINĖS. Kavinė Kultūra, vasario 16, 18:00, Kaunas, LT 2015



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This site was last updated 10/11/24